Introducing STEMIE’s Mythbuster Series
Posted on March 25, 2020 in Mythbuster

What do you think about when someone asks you about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) learning for young children?
What do you think about when someone asks you about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) learning for young children? You may think:
“STEM? Probably not for babies. “
“I think we should just focus on talking and reading. “
“Children need to play. STEM is too academic. ”
“It is too difficult for children with disabilities to learn STEM. It is also challenging for me to teach them STEM. ”
Last fall, we asked 29 early childhood STEM experts what were some misconceptions about early STEM learning they have come across in their work. We then analyzed and organized their responses, and searched the literature to debunk the myths and misconceptions with facts.