The Power of Utilizing Video to Support Reflective Practice
Posted on February 24, 2023 in Practice

Do you know video demonstrations can be a great tool to enhance practitioners’ practice? Check out this blog post to learn more!
Video demonstrations are commonly used to support pre-service and in-service practitioners’ observations and reflections (Marsh & Mitchell, 2013). Research has demonstrated that when professional development is provided through the effective use of videos, it can increase teachers’ understanding of teaching practices and foster reflection about their own practices (Major & Watson, 2018). This blog post uses video clips as well as a list of reflective questions to help practitioners identify ways to promote STEM learning for all children and reflect on how they can be applied in their own classrooms.
Video Description:
The video clip shows how two preschoolers in an inclusive early childhood classroom are engaging in a STEM learning experience at center time with a STEMIE team member, Jaclyn. She is supporting the children’s understanding of the Physical Science concept of force and motion. The child on the left hand side of the video typically enjoys playing in the block center. One of the main IEP goals for this child is to support his communication skills during play with peers and adults.
Discussion Guide:
As you watch the video the first time, think about what you notice about the children’s thinking, engagement, and the adult scaffolding.
- What do you notice about the children’s understanding of force and motion as they engage with the materials? (Pay attention to children’s actions/behaviors and verbal responses.)
- How does the adult scaffold the children’s understanding of force and motion during this experience? What are some examples?
- How does the adult foster inclusion in this experience?
- How does the adult support the child’s IEP goal?
- How would you incorporate adaptations in this experience?
- How could you scaffold children’s understanding of force and motion and participation in STEM learning experiences in your own practice?
Note: Scaffold refers to providing”prompts and hints to support the learner and then gradually withdraw these supports as the learner performs with increased independence “(Bodrova & Leong, 2012)

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Marsico Institute for Early Learning at the University of Denver

Technical Assistance Specialist at UNC’s FPG Child Development Institute
Investigadora Postdoctoral Asociada en CTIM Centro de Innovación para la Inclusión en la Educación Temprana (STEMIE)