What Predicts Success in STEM…and School?
Posted on May 26, 2020 in Insights

How important is doing STEM in the early years…really? If my children do more STEM, will it make a difference later?
Absolutely, but you don’t have to take our word for it! STEM in the early years has been found by researchers to be surprisingly important for development through life.
Let’s take a look at math first. The math children know when they enter kindergarten predicts their math achievement for years to come 1 out to 10th grade 2. Math also predicts later success in reading,1,3 so math appears to be a core component of cognition. Further, knowledge of math in the early years is the best predictor of graduating high school 4. One more: Number and arithmetic knowledge at age 7 years predicts socioeconomic status at age 42, even controlling for all other variables.5 These predictions may show that math concepts and skills are important to all of school and life. However, math is much more: Math is critical thinking and problem-solving, and high-quality math experiences also promote social and emotional development, literacy, and general brain development!6,7,8,9 No wonder early STEM experience predicts later success.
Inside children, language and STEM are”best friends. ” That is, connections between the development of math and literacy are numerous and it’s a”two-way street “.10,11,12 The more math language children learn, such as”more, ” less,”behind, “”above ” and number and shape words, the more math children learn.13 More surprising, preschoolers’ narrative abilities, particularly their ability to convey all the main events of the story, offer a perspective on the events in the story, and relate the main events of the story to their lives, predict math achievement two years later.14 And, going the other way on this street, children who experience more high-quality mathematics in preschool grow in their expressive oral language abilities (measured by assessments devoid of any math vocabulary15). In another study in the UK, doing math increased later scores on English by 14 percentile points.16
The same is true with science. First, early science matters to later science. Children who have primary-grade teachers trained in the U.S. science framework17 score significantly higher than their peers in fifth grade.18 Second, science activities excite children’s”STEM talk ” that reflects scientific reasoning, including observing, predicting, comparing, explaining, and generalizing19. And reading for comprehension and reading-to-learn requires concepts and knowledge of the world, both of which STEM provides.20 Doing more science increases primary-grade children’s science, and math, and reading scores.21
Not just language, but many cognitive and affective, or emotional outcomes improve with STEM. Let’s consider two: executive function (EF) and approaches to learning. EF, including cognitive flexibility, updating working memory, and response inhibition, is one of the most important general cognitive abilities. EF is highly related to academic success 22 and particularly important to children with disabilities 23 as well as to children from low-resource communities. Research also has confirmed the importance of engagement in learning or approaches to learning. In one study, it was the single best predictor of learning as far out as fifth grade 24 ). Such engagement in learning, including persistence at tasks, eagerness to learn, attentiveness, learning independence, flexibility, and organization, was especially important for girls and minority students.
The good news is, high-quality STEM may develop both!22 For example, EF predicts math22 and predicts science learning.25 Early STEM offers a fruitful context to foster EF and approaches-to-learning in many ways: 26,27
- STEM elicits children’s natural curiosity about the world.
- STEM providing a unique opportunity to engage children in hands-on learning experiences. These experiences promote critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, persistence, and other adaptive domain-general learning skills such as EF.
In solving STEM problems, children make observations, engage in rich conversations with teachers and other children, and think flexibly to come up with predictions and solutions to their problems. Inherent to STEM is the expectation that we learn from failures and mistakes.28 Children learn to try and try again, practicing risk-taking, persistence, tolerance for frustration, and maintaining focus. 26,27
Teach STEM early. STEM provides new ways to see the world, the beauty of it, and the way you can solve problems that arise within it.

Distinguished University Professor, Kennedy Endowed Chair in Early Childhood Learning

Distinguished University Professor, Kennedy Endowed Chair in Innovative Learning Technologies
La Dra. Sarama recibió su doctorado en la Universidad de Buffalo, Universidad Estatal de Nueva York. La Dra. Sarama ha enseñado matemáticas secundarias y ciencias de la computación, matemáticas superdotados a nivel de escuela intermedia, clases de enriquecimiento de matemáticas en preescolar y kindergarten, y métodos de matemáticas y cursos de contenido para maestros de primaria a secundaria. Ella diseñó y programó más de 50 programas de computadora publicados, incluyendo su versión de actividades de software basadas en Logo y Logo (Turtle Math, que fue galardonado con el premio Technology & Learning Software of the Year, 1995, en la categoría "Matemáticas").
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