Inclusion in STEM

Inclusion in STEM

Together, we think of this as a community of cultivators who aim to apply our core values towards the betterment and continuation of inclusive STEM learning. STEMIE cultivators continually collaborate with other leaders in STEM fields and co-create across disciplines, including early childhood STEM, early childhood, early childhood special education, early intervention, and allied health. 

Discover more about Inclusion in STEM

Inclusion in STEM

Directed by Jenna Kanell and premiered at STEMIEFest 2020, practitioners, families of children with disabilities, and people with disabilities discuss why STEM is important for children with disabilities and how children with disabilities CAN engage and excel in STEM. 

View the Video

What is high-quality inclusion and why it matters?
In this video, you will learn what the literature tells us about high-quality inclusion. This video is based on Dr. Phil Strain’s keynote: “A Brief Overview of 40 Years of Inclusion Research at the 2019 OSEP Leadership Conference”. 

A Guide to Adaptations and STEMIE Inclusion Framework
Learn what adaptations are and see photo examples

A Guide to Teaching Practices
Learn more about inclusive and equitable teaching practices