
Collections are curated sets of STEMIE resources that focus on particular topics.  Collections may include how-to guides, video demonstrations, blogs, activities, and other helpful materials. For example, all of our resources that focus on inclusion of young children with disabilities in STEM experiences can be found in the Inclusion in STEM collection.

Curated Booklists Collection

Find recommendations on books to read with your child that are STEM focused or by other themes.
Guides & Adaptations

Helpful guides and adaptations to begin or further your journey.  
Inclusion in STEM

Build on existing inclusion frameworks to develop and validate a STEMIE model for high quality inclusion of young children with disabilities in STEM learning.
Storybook Conversations

Are you interested in starting a STEM conversation through book reading? In this collection, you will find guides with customized adaptation ideas and video demonstrations.

STEMIE Learning Trajectories
Visit our sister website to find investigations by exploring activities by STEM domain or by cross-cutting concepts.

My S.T.E.M. Adventure

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STEMIE Learning Trajectories
Visit our sister website to find investigations by exploring activities by STEM domain or by cross-cutting concepts.

My S.T.E.M. Adventure