2025 International Early Childhood Inclusion Institute

May 13, 2025

9:00 am EDT

Demystifying Assistive Technology: Practical Tips for Early Childhood Professionals

This hands-on and interactive session will explore myths and facts related to the use of assistive technology (AT) in early childhood environments to help participants plan for and use AT as part of children’s everyday routines and activities. We will include specific examples of AT that attendees can explore, make/fabricate, and try out during the session, and engage in interactive activities to learn, practice, and plan for using AT to foster belonging and inclusion for children with disabilities. After the session participants will be able to:
1. Describe assistive technology and its benefits for young children.
2. Explain specific ways that they will be able to embed assistive technology into their own early childhood/early intervention work settings.
3. Leave with a set of resources and create an action plan to embed assistive technology to fully include children with disabilities across early childhood environments.  

Presenters: Jessica Amsbary, Hsiu-Wen Yang, & Ann Sam